
Interested in learning more about my skills or experiences? Please reach out by email or connect with me on LinkedIn. You can also download my full length academic curriculum vitae here.


Doctoral Candidate (ABD)
Department of Geography and the Environment
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Dissertation: “Cultivated borders: a critical remote sensing analysis of strategic agricultural development”
Committee: Dr. Aaron Moody (chair), Dr. Conghe Song, Dr. Christian Lentz, Dr. Sara Smith, and Dr. Colin T. West

2019 - current

2014 - 2018

Permaculture Design Certificate
Green Apprenticeship at the Center for Creative Ecology Kibbutz Lotan, Israel

Bachelor of Science (Honors)
Department of Geography
University of St Andrews, U.K.

Dissertation: “Fractured Landscapes: Modeling for Increased Connectivity of Euphydryas phaeton Conservation Design” (First Class Mark)
Advisors: Dr. Jed Long and Dr. Urška Demšar


2018 - 2019

Faculty Research Assistant
vanEnglesdorp Bee Lab, Department of Entomology
University of Maryland, College Park
PI: Dr. Dennis vanEnglesdorp


Summer Political and Economic Section Intern
U.S. Embassy to Belgium
United States Department of State


Vector and raster data collection, management, and analysis

Geospatial data:

Remote Sensing & Imagery Analysis:

Land-use/land-cover change, spectral indices, principal component analysis, supervised and unsupervised imagery classification, image segmentation, cloud computing, machine learning models, object detection, mosaicking

Softwares & Platforms:

ArcGIS Pro, QGIS, Google Earth Engine, RStudio, ENVI, Drone Deploy, Pix4D, Adobe Design Suite


Imagery collection & processing, photogrammetry, structure from motion, familiarity with FAA regulations

Programming Languages:

R, Java Script, and some GIS-related Python

Field Locations:

Togo, Mexico, Iceland, United Kingdom,
United States (CA, TX, TN, MD, NC)

Gradate Research Consultant:


6.   West, C.T., Saparapa, R., Nomedji, K., Maloney, D. and Moody, A. (2022) “Protocols for Conducting Drone Fieldwork in Togo, West Africa.” Annals of Anthropological Practice, 46 (2), 170-181.

In review, revision, or preparation:

5.   Maloney, D. “Military agricultural reclamation: strategic land-use change to remake unruly desert borders” (dissertation chapter, in preparation)

4.   Maloney, D., West, C.T., Rojas, A., Moody, A., and GEVAPAF. “Mapping fine-scale land degradation neutrality in Northern Togo: a pilot participatory study using unpiloted aerial vehicles” (submitted, under review)

3.   Maloney, D. “Making a desert border: Past, present, and future of strategic land-use change in the Imperial-Mexicali Valley” (dissertation chapter, in preparation).

2.   Maloney, D., West, C.T., Rojas, A., Moody, A., and GEVAPAF. “Using UAVs to detect fine-scale signals of land degradation and rehabilitation in West African drylands” (in preparation)

1.   Maloney, D., West, C.T., and Moody, A. “Land-use and land-cover change drivers of browning and greening dynamics in Burkina Faso 2000-2018” (in preparation)

Fall 2023: Research Methods in Geography

Summer session 2020: Introduction to Remote Sensing of the Environment

Teaching at UNC

Teaching Fellow
(Instructor of Record):

Spring 2023: Introduction to Geographic Information

Falls 2023, 2020, and 2019: Introduction to Remote Sensing of the Environment

Fall 2022: Introduction to Geographic Information

Spring 2022: Introduction to GIS

Fall 2021: Food, Agriculture, and Society

Spring 2021: Introduction to Weather and Climate

Spring 2020: Blue Plane

Teaching Assistant:


International Baccalaureate
George C. Marshall High School
Fairfax County, Virginia